Adopta con amor

Únete a nuestra misión y transforma la vida de un perro en busca de un hogar.

Únete a nuestra misión

Huellas de Esperanza conecta perros necesitados con familias amorosas. Juntos, promovemos la adopción responsable y el bienestar animal, brindando información y apoyo a los nuevos dueños.

A large tan dog and a black cat are interacting in an alleyway. The street is paved with cobblestones and scattered with pink flower petals. The dog is looking down at the cat, which is sitting beside a container of food. The building wall behind them is a mix of stone and plaster.
A large tan dog and a black cat are interacting in an alleyway. The street is paved with cobblestones and scattered with pink flower petals. The dog is looking down at the cat, which is sitting beside a container of food. The building wall behind them is a mix of stone and plaster.



Perritos Felices

Perros Adoptados


A fluffy, tan-colored dog is being held in the arms of a person wearing a grey shirt with a logo. The background appears to be a busy street with blurred images of people walking and a red store sign.
A fluffy, tan-colored dog is being held in the arms of a person wearing a grey shirt with a logo. The background appears to be a busy street with blurred images of people walking and a red store sign.

¡Únete a nosotros y ayuda a encontrar un hogar para nuestros peludos adorables hoy mismo!